Tik Tak Film Studio Koop. Elk. Txikia

LehendakariaSonia Estévez Fernández

  • - Sonia Estévez
  • - info@tiktakanimation.com


The puppet

A female puppet appears locked in a room, prostrate on the floor and immobile. After several experiences, ropes are attached to her body and her movements begin to be more and more fluid. Each of the strings is associated with a scene related to an aspect of women's social problems, such as the body, equality or gender.



A child's tear tells us that if we look carefully and closely, its appearance changes each time it flows from the child's eyes, depending on the reason for crying. The tear changes its appearance, shape or colour if the child cries with sadness, anger, joy, physical discomfort or when something gets in his eye. The child appreciates his tears on all occasions and the tear, an old woman is delighted with each of the ways in which the child's emotions dress her.





Hemen daude zure bilaketaren emaitzak. Eskerrik asko bilatzailea erabiltzeagatik. Nahi baduzu, beste ekoizpen batzuk bilatzen jarrai dezakezu.

Beste batzuk



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