Autumm season of the MENDI TOUR 2024: Monzón, Bergara and Urnieta first stops

The MENDI TOUR will start on the 6th of September, in the city of Monzón, Huesca, the second part of the year, which leads us into autumn
6 MONZÓN (Huesca) | Cines Victoria | 20:30h
10 BERGARA (Gipuzkoa) | Seminarixoa | 19:00h
26 URNIETA (Gipuzkoa) | Sarobe Arte Eszenikoen Gunea | 19:00h
7-8-9-10 MADRID | Cines Golem (C/Martín de los Heros) | 20:00h
11 SANTA BRÍGIDA (Las Palmas) | Centro Cultural de la Villa de Santa Brígida | 20:00h
15-16 BURGOS | Museo de la Evolución Humana | 19:30h
17 BURGOS | Cines Van Golem Arlanzón
17-18 LEÓN | Cines Van Gogh | 20:00h
17-18 SALAMANCA | Cines Van Dyck | 20:00h
20 GETARIA (Gipuzkoa) | Iturzaeta Aretoa | 18:30h
27 MARKINA-XEMEIN (Bizkaia) | Espenantza Aretoa | 18:30h
30 SANTANDER | Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos | 20:00h
7 SOPELA (Bizkaia) | Kurtzio Kultur Etxea | 19:00h
7-8 ERRENTERIA (Gipuzkoa) | Niessen Kulturgunea | 19:00h
8 ELGOIBAR (Gipuzkoa) | Herriko Antzokia | 21:00h
12 BASAURI (Bizkaia) | Social Antzokia | 19:30h
19 ANDOAIN (Gipuzkoa) | Bastero Kulturgunea | 19:00h
22-23 PICOS DE EUROPA (Potes-Liébana) | Centro de Estudios Lebaniegos | 20:00h