Have you released any experimental film or video recently? We want them for our festival!

BIDEODROMO International Experimental Film and Video Festival starts in October 2024 in Bilbao (Basque Country) and is now accepting entries for its festival.
We are open to all kind of experimental films including documentary, narrative, experimental,
animation, video art and other genres.
The entry deadline is May 31st, 2024 when we must RECEIVE your film.
Rules and Suggestions:
‐ Subtitles in spanish, basque or english are welcomed.
‐ You must fill out one application form per film you submit.
‐ We prefer to receive the videos in MOV or AVI format.
- Don't send more than two films per author
BIDEODROMO is an international festival, open to experimental films of all kinds. Documentary, narrative, animation, video art and other genres are wellcome. BIDEODROMO is the node in the Basque Country for an international network of experimental film and video. Our intention is to promote meeting, learning and cultural exchange through cinema.